{{predmet|Objektově orientované systémy|František Plášil|SWI068}}
Explain why is the classical client-server contract considered "asymmetric". Is there any remedy to this problem?
Explain the difference between inheritance and subtyping. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/%7Ewcook/Courses/345H-F05/slides/11a-SubtypeInh.pdf
**Subtyping is relation between interfaces, inheritance is relation between implementations.
What kind of covariant and contravariant type changes would you recommend in method inheritance?
**takové to A<:A' vs. A:>A' a B<:B' vs. B:>B'
What is an implicit specialization of self? Write an example.
In CORBA, can a servant incarnate multiple object references at the same time? If yes, write a code fragment illustrating the basic idea of constructing such references on the server side.
yes, rootPOA.create_id_uniqueness_policy(IdUniquenessPolicyValue.MULTIPLE_ID); ... _RepId = _defaultServant._all_interfaces(); ... create_reference_with_id(objectId, _RepId);
Explain the Tie technique, and provide an example of its use in an implementation class supporting two IDL interfaces (not in inheritance relation); give at least two reasons of importance.
**Delegate implementation to user-supplied servant [http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/idl/jidlTieServer.html example.
Draw the sequence diagram of unsuccessfully commited transaction (commit resulted into rollback) involving at least 2 resources.
**page 29 at http://nenya.ms.mff.cuni.cz/%7Eplasil/oos/archive2006/lecture05slides/lecture5.pdf
Explain the basic idea of the wen:Model_Driven_Architecture and wen:Meta-Object_Facility technologies.
Does CORBA Event Service inherently involve buffering? If yes, explain why and how it is typically implemented. Can Event Channels be directly connected (one being a supplier and another being its consumer); if yes provide a program fragment illustrating their connection?
**buffer, event service examples, chained event channels
Component-based programming. Explain what ADL is and what makes the basic abstractions which can be specified in ADL.
**ADL is modeling notation to support architecture-based development. **Essential architecture modeling featuers are components, connectors and architectural configurations. http://sunset.usc.edu/%7Eneno/papers/TSE-ADL.pdf
Explain the fragile base class problem and inheritance anomaly.