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I got to be a little rude to two bunhces of Year 6 & 7 girls who turned in make-up and too tight fairy costumes..  It ain't Princess Day girls   it's Halloween, so unless you've got an axe coming out of the back of your head or half your face missing then you ain't getting any lollies. Come back next year as blood sucking freaks, ok?  One of the girls got a single lolly cause she had an eye-liner scar drawn on her cheek   and I heard one of them saying as they walked off    I told you so . The blonde mother hovering in the background of one group looked a little pissed or shocked, it's hard to decipher sometimes.But apparently at some stage you stop dressing up in spooky costumes and start dressing like you're going to the races   Spring Carnival for tweenies. Well, I'm agin it!I didn't do the trudge up to the really popular streets with my zombie child   she went off and joined some friends. I also have carrots to give out just to include a bit of trickery into the proceedings   they look a little stunned as they walk off holding a carrot but they mostly start chewing on them within 10 yards or so   sort of like a palate cleanser to soak up more sugar, m'sure.We live opposite a prarimy school, and the local mothers decided to do something about the grumpies who don't believe in imported american traditions that were in turn imported celtic oneshalloween. They sent around a note to all the letter boxes in the street with a balloon, and instructions to tie the balloon to your door or front gate if you wanted to participate and therefore not upset the little ones. So there were houses the little ones could safely approach and not be grumped at/upset (and all groups had adults on the footpath supervising).We handed out the tiny fun-sized chocolate bars. One 3 to 4 year old boy, right at the end as we were going out and taking down the balloon, didn't look too impressed so I handed him the now superfluous balloon. His face lit up and he bounced down our front path happily yelling:  mummy, mummy, look   the man gave me a balloon. Made my night.So to all the anti-halloween grumps out there: bah humbug! may all your .