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uuyoFj  <a href="">jesdfmuokwdx</a>Nancy: The Catholic Church believes in the Sacrament of Marriage. The saecmarnts are exclusive to the Catholic Church and it's teachings but are all (7) supported by the Bible in which all Christians believe. I believe every religious group supported the Pope's decision. Separation between Church and State is still recognized However, if a Catholic wants their marriage to be recognized in The Church, remain an active member and receive the Sacraments, their marriage should be blessed through the Sacrament of Marriage. Most Christian Churches as a matter of fact, as do Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, and Arabs believe in marriage between a man and woman. Not only the Catholic Church vehemently opposed civil marriage, but every other religious organization was right with them every church supported the Pope's position.To those of you who couldn't refrain from the Catholic Church   little boy attacks, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING PLEASE?I do want to ask why every time the Catholic Church comes up the conversation immediately changes to talk of  little boys  and priests and  the pope likes men or little boys   Catholic priests are more likely to be pedophiles than other groups of men   This is just plain FALSE. There's absolutely no evidence that priests are more likely to abuse children than are other groups of men. The use and abuse of children as objects for the sexual gratification of adults is epidemic in all classes, professions, religions, and ethnic communities across the globe, as figures on child pornography, incest, and child prostitution make abundantly clear. Pedophilia (the sexual abuse of a prepubescent child) among priests is extremely rare, affecting only 0.3% of the entire population of clergy. This figure, cited in the book Pedophiles and Priests by non-Catholic scholar, Philip Jenkins, is from the most comprehensive study to date, which found that only one out of 2,252 priests considered over a thirty-year period was afflicted with pedophilia. In the recent Boston scandal, only four of the more than eighty priests labeled by the media as  pedophiles  are actually guilty of molesting young children.Because this makes a laugh of my created order of thgnis,that is why they fought it,but on a individual basis,if they want to go throughout life living in such a filthy lie then so be it,for they all die alone and childless,but that was their choice isn't it. For greater fullness of graces and greater glory in heaven,Explore and discover the many gifts of APPARITIONS that God has sent for your spiritual guidance, enjoyment and enrichment ,for as in Gods PIETA PRAYER book, great are the heavenly treasures within these gifts.Pray the holy rosary for world peace and for all of Gods children to pray the holy rosary, and here is a blessing and a our father prayed just for you, with a loving hug from Jesus Christ for all of gods children.Carry a Holy Scapular on you at all times and you will be saved.The Catholic Church essentially only rnoegcizes a marriage if it occurs in a church itself. FALSE.I believe your issue is with the definition of marriage that God has given us of a man and a woman in Mark 10:6-9.Adding a straw man to this is just masking the fact that you cannot recognize that we define marriage as a man and a woman. PERIOD.> BTW: Hasn't someone dropped a house or poured water on Nancy Pelosi yet? I believe her VP candidate will be Barney Frank if she runs in 2016. That is if a house or water don't get her first.Catholic Church defines maiarrge as between a man and a woman. Marriage is a sacrament in the Catholic Church. It recognizes maiarrges performed in Most Protestant churches. The church does not recognize maiarrges performed by civil officials.Gay maiarrges also have another sin. Homosexuality is forbidden by the church and most non-catholic institutions also. There fore gay maiarrge would be wrong. If something is wrong you are not supposed to approve or even tolerate it.Tell him to save some more money as he will not get it cheaper.For yonguer drivers, and I know it does not make sense, Fully Comp is often cheaper than TPFTAll he can do is shop around.Hello, I suggest you re-download this copy, I have utdpaed this template when I found out that I was missing a line of coding. You are probably still downloading the old version, you need to clear your browser cache and download this again.I know for a fact, this template is working on many other websites, so you shouldn't be experiencing this problem.